from Diary 2023-11-13 New and required course for work “Information I” Impression 2
Information I has become Lingua Franca.
- Lacks a bit of detail.
- There are words for communicating and words for thinking.
- Work is needed to recognize problems that can be solved by IT and cut out of daily tasks.
- Mismatch with doctor’s metaphor.
- Patients don’t need to speak the doctor’s language.
How to create machine-readable data
- Were we talking about a Lingua Franca between human and computer?
- The human side has developed the skills to read and write in a machine-readable format.
- Some kind of literacy
90% of the world’s problem-solving work is to turn a negative into a zero.
- Knowledge transfer from other industries to solve the problem.
- It is not about creating something that does not yet exist (positive from zero), but about eliminating a negative for which we do not know the solution that already exists.
p.79 - Factual and action-oriented
- Leveling of demand for engineers
- Having an internal IT engineer and updating software quickly became a source of agility.
- Stories that lead to [kintone
- Using a no-code business system like kintone, you don’t need to be a software engineer to update software.
- Explanation of AI Unemployment in Factorio
- > nishio White-collar workers who are running down, picking up the ball that’s overflowing, voluntary dual roles, etc, I feel that if you are bound by job description, it will be a hindrance to agility.
- job-based employment
- Freedom of transfer at the will of the individual.
- sectionalism
- This story is interesting.
- Humans can “see the whole” for very few things, but not for many things due to physical constraints.
- A computer can only see two, but an algorithm that combines them to see the whole can see beyond human capabilities.
- It can be said to divide the problem to the point where a computer can solve it, or it can be said to build up what a computer can do and create an implementation.
- Limited functionality varies from element to element, and I’m amused that you bring up humans in this.
Distinguishing between mean and median, is it 6th grade in the current curriculum?
tokoroten From the teaching guidelines for sixth grade arithmetic.
- Interval estimation, is it Math B~?
- The status quo system is required because the right to fire is restricted.
IT Passport, you’ve already given notice of your intention to include generative AI in the scope in August 2023.
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